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C R I T I C S   A R E   S A Y I N G

 "(LaRosa) quickly becomes an audience favorite. His singing is marvelous, as showcased in "I Wanna Be a Producer," and becomes one of the strongest of a very strong cast."

                               - BroadwayWorld (Leo Bloom in The Producers)

"LaRosa makes a wonderfully flustered Leo, and his voice is one of the elements that keeps this show humming along on a high level."

                                                             - Tampa Bay Times (Leo Bloom in The Producers)

"As Leo Bloom, American Stage newcomer James LaRosa is also marvelous, playing the accountant as nebbishy and nervous as he gradually finds a heart, a spine and himself."

                                                               - Creative Loafing (Leo Bloom in The Producers) 

"Not only is he a wonder to listen to but also to watch; his facial expressions are extraordinarily revealing."

                                  - Stage Reviews (Mark Cohen in RENT)


"Fully connected, highly emotional, and thoroughly satisfying."

                                  - Philly Burbs (Mark Cohen in RENT)


"Played by James LaRosa with nothing short of perfection."

                                - The Catskill Chronicle (Cosmo Brown in Singin' in the Rain)


"LaRosa flips, falls, shakes and rolls in a show stopping 'Make 'Em Laugh."

                                 - Times Herald Record (Cosmo Brown in Singin' in the Rain)


" James LaRosa, Joe Moeller and Cary Tedder as the seemingly macho guys and Pat McRoberts, the club's DJ, add high notes to the musical."

                                  - Danvers Herald (Gus in Saturday Night Fever)

© 2021 by JAMES LaROSA.




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